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Read the Pastor's Weekly Devotional Column

You can always depend on God to show up wherever you. He comes to us in the little things and Pastor Cal reminds you to look for the clues.

                                                                                   The Best Gift

Dear Friends,


Rona Mann's column in the Westerly Sun this week made me laugh. She mentioned a tradition that her friend had every year known as a Yankee Swap. The group would gather informally in January. Each of the friends was encouraged to bring a wrapped gift to share with the others. 


The instructions were simple. Find the most attractive wrapping paper and package the item to be shared in a way that would raise curiosity and desire among your friends. Then they could wrangle over it in a way reminiscent of the old television game show, Let's Make a Deal.


The caveat was that this gift was to be something that you didn't want, didn't need, or even a thing you received that you hated. Regifting Christmas presents was perfectly acceptable. A warning was giving though, to be careful not to offer a thing originally given by another member of the group. 


When our clergy group did this years ago, I fought to get the largest gift offered (Not that I'm the least bit competitive!) The box was nicely wrapped and about three feet cubed. I won out by swapping and trading several times. Boy, was I surprised when I opened it to find a metal bedpan.


It was a reminder that the prettiest and largest gifts do not always meet expectations. It is often the small, seemingly insignificant, gifts that are the most precious. The diamond ring, pearl earrings, and gold necklace are far more precious and have greater value than the larger, more fanciful gifts.


So it is with the Christ child born in Bethlehem. He was seemingly a helpless baby but was actually Emmanuel, "God with us." The celebration of Christmas is over but the arrival of Jesus was a gift that keeps on giving. His value continues to grow and expand as we recognize him as our savior.


When I told my friend about the gift I received, he laughed and suggested I mention it at church. He said, "You never know who may need one." He was right. A woman who was caring for her elderly father asked if she could have it. She had been thinking about purchasing one. I was delighted to share it with her. 


In the same way, we never know who may need to hear the gospel. People are struggling to find meaning and purpose in life. It may not seem like much because we have found peace and strength in Christ, but to someone who is hurting it could be exactly what they need to find hope.


Let's make it a point to share our faith throughout the year. The gift of Christ isn't only for Christmas. You don't have to wrap it up in fancy trappings. Simply share what Jesus has done for you. Trust God to use your testimony to be a blessing to the recipient.


See You In Church.

Pastor Cal

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